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Auteurs & Autrices :
  • Ortel Philippe
Mots-clés :
  • Primoli
  • Instantaneity
  • Worldliness
  • Photography
  • Portrait
  • Goncourt
  • Sardou
  • Proust
  • Press
  • Amateur

Résumé :

Did the first snapshots of writers taken in their daily lives at the end of the 19th century change the image that readers had of literary activity ? We attempt to answer this question using the amateur snapshots taken by Count Giuseppe Primoli (1851-1927). In order to decipher these seemingly innocuous images, four reading grids are proposed : biographical, worldly, media and aesthetic. The aim is also to understand how photographs that were rarely published during the author's lifetime were nevertheless able to circulate and influence people's minds.

Type de document : Journal articles