8 notices sont référencées dans cette série.
| CLARISSA. | OR THE | HISTORY | OF A | YOUNG LADY : | Comprehending | The most Important CONCERNS OF PRIVATE LIFE. | [Trait] | By Mr. Richardson, Author of PAMELA and SIR CHARLES GRANDISON. | In EIGHT VOLUMES. | [Trait] | VOL. I.[-VIII] | [Trait] | The SIXTH EDITION. | Vol. I [Double trait] | LONDON : | PRINTED FOR J. RIVINGTON, R. BALDWIN, W. JOHNSTON, | S. CROWDER, C. RIVINGTON, T. LOWNDS, T. | DAVIES, J. JOHNSON and J. PAYNE, W. GRIFFIN, | T. BECKET, F. NEWBERY, | T. CADELL and J. | KONX. | [Trait] | M.DCC.LXVIII. [1768] | [Vol.1 : 324 p., page de titre, sonnet, préface pp. V-XI ; " Names of the principal persons ", 1 p. non foliotée, 1 planche gravée sur cuivre. Vol. 2 : 346 p., " Plays printed for the Proprietors ", 2 p. non foliotées, 1 pl. gr. s. c. Vol. 3 : apparaît la mention : " And particulary shewing, | The Distresses that may attend the MISCONDUCT | Both of PARENTS and CHILDREN, | In Relation to Marriage. ", Fleuron : deux cornes d’abondance fleuries, 252 p., 1 pl. gr. s. c. Vol. 4 : 383 p., 1Autre exemplaire :Rééd. 1792, Madison, Memorial Library, CA8520 v.1 (8)