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Stéphane Lojkine,

Sensitive continuum

, mis en ligne le 14/04/2021, URL :


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Sensitive continuum

The continuum sensible is the system of communicating meaning that, in the second half of the eighteenth century, is set up in scenic devices. The body, flesh and touch provide a form of communication that neither the gaze nor the spoken word can assume. The screen becomes a sensitive screen: veil, garment, interposed body, it immediately communicates meaning from reality, without the mediation of a system of signs.


Doyen, Le Miracle des Ardents
The white dress of the Parisian woman imploring Saint Genevieve reflects the light and establishes the sensitive continuum

The continuum sensible is a transitional formation between the classical screen device (based on cut, interposition, the establishment of a geometric depth of gaze) and the indexical devices (based on symptom, projection, scopic crystallization) that gradually came into being from the nineteenth century.


Critique et théorie

Généalogie médiévale des dispositifs

Sémiologie classique

Dispositifs contemporains

Théorie des dispositifs

Notions théoriques