Discursive logic is the sequence of utterances in a discourse along a logical line of the type:
A => B => C...
When discourse recounts events (historical narrative, or fictional narrative) it follows chronology; when discourse develops arguments (demonstration, reasoning), it goes from cause to cause, or from consequence to consequence.
The scene is often marked by the failure of discursive logic: the character's speech is theatricalized to the point where gesture means more than speech. It's the fact that he speaks, not the content of his speech, that signifies. Sometimes, on the contrary, speech is cut off, garbled, hindered, interrupted, inaudible, incomprehensible: the fact that someone is speaking makes a tableau independently of what he's saying.
This conflicting relationship between scene and discourse is linked to the historical evolution of devices: from the end of the Renaissance onwards, the scene expresses the new semiological organization, while discourse is identified with the old, medieval world, where speech was performance, i.e. effective speech. Just as in the painted scene narrative episodes fade into the blur of a vague space (a landscape, a distance), so in the written scene performative speech becomes vain speech, impeded speech, or incomprehensible.
Critique et théorie
Archive mise à jour depuis 2008
Critique et théorie
Généalogie médiévale des dispositifs
Entre économie et mimésis, l’allégorie du tabernacle
Trois gouttes de sang sur la neige
Iconologie de la fable mystique
La polémique comme monde
Construire Sénèque
Sémiologie classique
De la vie à l’instant
D'un long silence… Cicéron dans la querelle française des inversions (1667-1751)
La scène et le spectre
Dispositifs contemporains
Résistances de l’écran : Derrida avec Mallarmé
La Guerre des mondes, la rencontre impossible
Dispositifs de récit dans Angélique de Robbe-Grillet
Disposition des lieux, déconstruction des visibilités
Physique de la fiction
Critique de l’antimodernité
Mad men, Les Noces de Figaro
Le champ littéraire face à la globalisation de la fiction
Théorie des dispositifs
Image et subversion. Introduction
Image et subversion. Chapitre 4. Les choses et les objets
Image et subversion. Chapitre 5. Narration, récit, fiction. Incarnat blanc et noir
Biopolitique et déconstruction
Biographie, biologie, biopolitique
Flan de la théorie, théorie du flan
Surveiller et punir
Image et événement