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Stéphane Lojkine,

Semiotic break

, mis en ligne le 14/04/2021, URL :


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Semiotic break

We take the semiotic cut here in a sense that is not linguistic (the separation of the sign into a signifier and a signified), but semiological: it's about what in the text makes sense as a cut, signifies the cut between the characters and the code or values to which they are attached.

Acis and Galatea - Poussin
Poussin, Acis and Galatea. The red curtain takes the place in the image of a semiotic break between the signifier, Polyphemus uttering the song, singing Ovid's text, and the signified, what is signified by the song, Galatea abandoning herself to Acis

This cut is not purely technical. It translates into the text the symbolic dimension of the classic screen device, based on interception. Just as in painting the classical scene cuts off a gaze and thereby delimits a scenic space (the restricted space) from which a sense of the scene is constituted, so, in writing, the novel scene defeats discursive logic and cuts off discourse. This cut is linked to the manifestation of a symbolic interdict (for example, the interdict of the gaze, the interdict of desire), this very interdict that the scene transgresses or circumvents.


Critique et théorie

Généalogie médiévale des dispositifs

Sémiologie classique

Dispositifs contemporains

Théorie des dispositifs

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